Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Dress the Halls

Danielle Bouchard @dannibouchard @ohhoneymusic

The holidays are the best-- a week of no responsibility, lots of presents, and endless food. They're also a fun opportunity to get a little dressed up and mix and match new and old pieces. Between family parties, high school bar night reunions, and New Years Eve, it's important to look and feel your best, so here are my a few of my favorite outfits to end the year on a positive note.

Look # 1: The Night Before Christmas Eve High School Reunion

You know this night-- December 23rd, when everyone you know from high school goes out to the bars and drunkenly pretends to be best friends again. This is the night you see the boy you crushed on for 6 years who didn't give you the time of day, and you want to look effortlessly amazing and put together, despite that 4th shot of jameson.

One of my favorite Christmas gifts this year is something I am really excited to wear come next tour: a kimono. They're everywhere right now-- they come in all different materials, and are super easy to dress up or down. I always feel more comfortable when my arms are covered, but I hate cardigans, so I find kimonos to be a good solution for wintry nights out. Here I'm wearing both with the same dress-- they're the perfect addition to your favorite LBD.

photos: my mama & sister (iPhone style)

Cream KimonoFree People (similar)
Black KimonoNasty Gal
NecklaceManda Unchained
Garter Tights: Pretty Polly

Look # 2: The Family Gift Exchange

Casual but nice-- so you can chase your little cousins around the basement, but still look amazing in the awkward group family photo you're forced to take at the end of the night.

I've been looking for an oversized black sweater forever and was super excited when I found this one at LF. I wore it with a lacy bralette and a black skater skirt from H&M underneath to add layers, and a necklace & thigh highs for a festive pop of color.

photos: my mama (iPhone style)

Sweater: LF (similar HERE)
BraletteUrban Outfitters
NecklaceManda Unchained
Thigh highsUrban Outfitters
ShoesModern Vice (similar pair)

Look # 3: New Years Eve

Oh New Years Eve. Although it's one of the most hit-or-miss holidays (in my opinion), it's always fun to go out with your friends and get dressed up. It's also an amazing opportunity to metaphorically and literally leave behind the things that sucked in the previous year, and to start the new year in a positive way.

My cousin bought me this adorable vegan leather dress for Christmas, and I love it paired with the vintage faux fur coat my mama found in a consignment shop-- the combination of materials makes each piece stand out, and paired with a simple black heeled bootie, it feels flirty, fun, and classy.

photos: my mama (iPhone style)

DressLIT (snag it HERE)
Faux fur: vintage

I hope you guys had/have the most amazing holidays. For me, this was arguably the best year of my life-- I signed a record deal, quit my waitressing job, toured the country, and had a great opportunity to share my love of fashion with you guys. However, 2014 also had its challenges-- no year is ever perfect, but New Years Eve gives us the opportunity to start again with a fresh perspective, surrounded by friends and family. I am definitely looking forward to 2015, and I wish you guys the best in the new year!