Pez in Progress

Ringing in the New Year

Hello! My name is Dani Pedraza and I am a recent graduate. Since leaving the comforts of school and entering the "real world" I have found this blog to be very useful in making me feel grounded . As a student of the arts, my days were consumed with work and rehearsals. Thus, making me crave structure and routine.  I have been searching for a creative outlet that will preoccupy my time in a productive manner. This "New Year" To Do List, is fun and fulfilling. I am welcoming 2015 and will complete the 100 tasks set before me within this new year. I challenge you to create your own list to feel accomplished and motivated on your ...inprogress journey. 

1 Write Thanksgiving "I'm grateful for you" cards (11/22/14)
2 Start singing lessons again: 1X a week for 30 mins. (12/2/14)
3 Find an acting class to attend regularly (first class Jan. 8th 2015)
4 Add 4 more monologues into my audition book
5 Read 10 Plays
6 Get a Haircut & new color (11/15/14)
7 Take a dance class 2X a month
8 Paint a picture of the NYC Skyline: Hang up in my bedroom
9 Try a "Ramen Burger"
10 Go to a hockey (4/4/15)basketball (11/20/14), football, baseball game
11 Plan someone's vacation
12 Earn my IATA card from the travel agency
13 Paint room divider
14 Learn how to make mom's homemade pizza (11/29/14)
15 Record a song with dad playing piano (2/29/15)
16 Spend a weekend without any technology
17 Intern for a PR Firm (starting Jan. 6th 2014 @ Bindya NYC)
18 Visit the Rockefeller Tree (12/18/14)
19 Walk around the union square holiday market while drinking hot coco (12/7/14)
20 Write out a morning ritual and stick to it (1/20/15)
21 buy myself a pair of raybans
22 Have a board game and wine night
23 spend the weekend out of the city at a breakfast & bed spot
24 Plan a trip to Paris
25 Complete rosetta stone "french" CD one
26 create a care package for my best friend Dom
27 pay off credit cards
28 go bowling in the city
29 Try soulcycle
30 Visit The Jersey Shore
31 Make coffee for roomies before they wake up for work
33 Make every meal for one week
34 Take my family to dinner 
35 Make my family dinner when i'm in town
36 Send my mom flowers
38 Create at least 10 pinterest dessert pins
39 Set up a painting & wine class
40 Buy myself Tulips for my room (11/23/14)
42 Write a play
43 Submit play to festivals
44 Eat lobster in Maine
45 Find out my blood type
46 Start wearing a watch
47 Create a list of 10 books to read & read them
48 Update my handmade recipe book(1/19/15)
49 Find another Acting Project to be involved in
52 Support a friend in their art
53 get Mcdonalds breakfast (12/1/14) : on my way to the airport
54 Have brunch with the girls with unlimited mimosas
56 run a 1/2 marathon
57 finish How I met your mother series (12/26/14)
58 Add yoga into my weekly routine (12/1/14) 30 day video
59 Spend a Saturday afternoon in Barnes and Noble
60 Make & Decorate Christmas/Holiday cookies (12/24/14)
61 Make a list of 25 things I like about myself (11/26/14)
62 Read a book in French
63 Eat at Dinosaur BBQ
64 Write a letter to myself to open in ten years
66 Plan a trip to visit my nana and pepa in Florida (April 18-21/2015)
67 See 10 classic movies I have never seen
68 Identify 100 things that make me happy
69 Have dinner by candlelight
70 Go vegetarian for a month
71 Submit to children's theatre teaching jobs for the summer
73 Work for a PR team full time
74 Plan a trip to a vineyard
75 Buy a pretty bikini
76 Get new photos for my Acting website (11/19/14)
77 revamp my Acting website
78 Go through closet and get rid of unnecessary clothes/ donate
79 Attend a symphony concert
80 Attend a jazz concert
82 Learn how to play a song on the guitar while singing
84 Make a scrapbook for Dominique
85 Go out on a Weekday night
86 Watch the sunrise
87 Attend a concert
88 Get a polaroid camera> document a special moment each day for a month
89 ride a citibike
90 rollerblade in central park
91 build my makeup kit
92 Plan a birthday party (11/20/14)
93 complete the "squat challenge" & "extreme squat challenge" (2/2/15)
96 annotate a shakespeare play
97 write out a ten year plan
98 Try the new Starbucks 'Chestnut Praline Latte" (11/17/14)
99 Get a hold on my family photos & make copies for my own albums
100 Publish Blog (12/21/14)

One of my "Before 23" goals is to write a list of 100 things that make me happy. I believe that identifying what makes me happy will help me appreciate the little things. I challenge you to write your own list. But here is mine!
1 Taking a bubble bath with candles lighting the room
2 Reading in the bath
3 Drinking coffee in the morning before doing anything else
4 snuggling with all of my dogs
5 Taking fun selfies with my dogs
6 Talking to my family on the phone
7 Receiving personal mail
8 Having someone else bring me or make me coffee
9 Sleeping in
10 Eating pizza after a night out and about
11 Giving people real hugs
12 Getting ready for bed at the same time with someone
13 Having a piece of chocolate once a day
14 Writing in my journal
15 Girl's wine nights
16 Going to the gym
17 Buying myself a pair of new underwear
18 receiving an audition
19 Singing
20 Listening to the rain to fall asleep
21 Going to the movies and ordering popcorn
22 Taking road trips. I love long drives.
23 Talking/communicating with friends I haven't seen in years
24 Reuniting with my Bridgeport Boys/Carmel play peeps/American Girls/LP babes
25 Hiking & Horseback riding
26 when someone gives me flowers
27 when I buy myself flowers
28 when I figure out my budget
29 when I plan friend dates. romantic dates
30 when someone else plans the friend date or romantic date
31 Making someone else laugh
32 laughing until my stomach hurts or I snort
33 Making Harper giggle her pants off #Danithenanny
34 painting
35 Spending time with Dominique and talking everyday
36 Factiming with jj
37 Taking a stroll around a neighborhood or park
38 getting ice-cream from an icrecream truck
39 Cleaning my room & apartment/ doing laundry
40 planning my week in my calendar to keep me organized
41 reading on the train during my long commute
42 walking from my apt to the train in the morning during the fall
43 Taking food pics even though that makes me a foodie
44 trying new food and really liking it
45 getting a massage
46 Still having slumber parties with my girlfriends
47 Going to a sporting event
48 Going to a play or a concert
49 Having family nights
50 Bro-ing out at the bar with my guy friends
51 Spending one on one time with my friends
52 Hanging with big groups of people
53 Planning vacations and having vacations to look forward to
54 watching the rain fall down on a window
55 watching the first snow fall
56 drinking hot chocolate
57 being anywhere that has white christmas lights hanging up
58 spending a weekend day in bed watching movies while it is gloomy out
59 Long chats with my great grandpa on the farm
60 Taking pictures
61 Reading the news in the morning before work
62 spending my afternoons dog walking and not working in a restaurant
63 spending my afternoons babysitting Harper and watching her grow up
64 seeing my @Pupsncoffee instagram account become more and more popular
65 Being able to add to my savings account while being financially independent
66 not asking my parents for money
67 giftcards to starbucks or any giftcards in general for presents
68 dancing with my ladies
69 group chats with my ladies
70 Taking the time to put make up on
71 grocery shopping for the week which allows me to make my own meals
72 Adding recipes to my handmade recipe book
73 printing out pictures
74 writing letters to family & friends
75 Saying "yes" to something that I normally would say "no" to
76 watching the sunset
77 bike riding in the park
78 picnics in the park
79 brushing a horse/feeding carrots or apples to a horse
80 visiting my grandpa's farm
81 driving in Chicago after months of not driving in NYC
82 taking a cab or uber home after a very long day
83 blasting Sara Bareilles on danielle's record player while eating chinese food with her/talking about boys & life
84 finding silly relationship articles to read on Huffington post and dailythoughtcatalog
85 Watching youtube clips of engagements/father daughter dances/military family reunions that make me sob
86 knitting
87 cooking with my mom
88 having my family visit NYC
89 going home
90 going home for Thanksgiving & Christmas
91 BBQing & spending time at a lake house over the summers
92 Not having technology and only people who are present to talk to
93 writing; lists, journaling, playwriting, short stories, letters etc..
94 playing volleyball & shooting hoops and sometimes kicking ass
95 not filtering myself & being extremely honest with someone
96 Making myself a priority while still being kind to others
97 Traveling to foreign countries and appreciating my home in America
98 Having someone tell me I have made their day brighter and better
99 Being affectionate

100 Staying friends with people who have made an impact on my life and not letting them go just because I don't see them

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